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My first round in India is coming to an end.. am I glad, hell yes. I just cannot understand this level of poverty and on such a colossal scale. The poverty and the devastation is beyond what one can comprehend. Everywhere you look you see buildings falling a part, no real housing, mud huts and tents everywhere and just general chaos. I would like to know what the Indian government do with all their money for it is so clear that they don’t spend it on the country or on their people.


This is not the first time I have seen such a bloody mess and we are not just talking about one or two towns, we are talking about a country many times the size of England, it is just everywhere. Something politically is clearly wrong here, how does any country with a GDP of $1.9 Trillion US get into this state. 


My visit here has taken my imagination beyond the earthquake struck Philippines or the floods of Indonesia, this is just fucking bad news on an epic scale and I know I have not even seen the shit in the deep rural areas.. but if the UK levels of poverty where measured in terms that make sense, say the size of LONDON, then India's poverty is the size of AUSTRALIA.. where does their foreign aid go, cos they get almost $655 Million in foreign aid and I really cannot see where that money goes


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